Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fresh roasted garbanzo beans

My adopted neighborhood "Claiborne Ave Daughter" Angie Navorro Provencio, inspired this yummy snack after posting a picture of her finished product on facebook last week.....nothing better then amazing foodie friends to share ideas with. Her husband Mark, got her addicted and after trying them I see why!
Angie told me they are a traditional Mexican snack and that she finds the raw garbanzo's at a Mexican grocery. Here in Colorado it took some hunting on my part and after a couple hours ended up at a Mexican grocery myself, up on Federal & 72nd St. what a great gem of a market! I love the Mexican culture!
I could not wait to get these babies home and try my hand at them. Angie cooks her on the stove top in a similar fashion to what I did after looking up different ideas on the web.
I soaked the beans in their shells for just about 5 mins. then drained well and tossed with enough olive oil to coat and some sea salt. Into a 250 degree oven for an hour and tossing a few times. Then I set the oven to 375 degrees and left the oven closed until the oven came to temp. once you reach cooking temp keep tossing them every 4-5 mins until they become golden brown and some may look burnt but keep in mind that's just the shell. Once you have a nice batch of browned garbanzo's keep them in the oven to cool. When they are not to hot to handle crack and eat.......with the left overs I stored them in an air tight container in the fridge and when we want a snack we just pop them in the microwave for about 10-20 seconds depending on your microwave. You want to heat them just long enough to take the chill off.