Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Egg Rolls

I realize I have not posted for some time now. It has been a busy last month and a half. We are in the midst of selling our laundromat. The day after signing papers for a 30 + day escrow on the laundromat we loaded up the car and drove to CA to surprise my daughter Britany, for my granddaughter Kiley's, 2nd b-day. We stayed in CA for 3 weeks working on our new home in Somerset. LOTS to do! We are back in CO and being as Hannah stayed in CA with her Sister and Joshua is either with friends or at his Aunts house my cooking has been at a  minimum. Lots of grilling, corn on the cob, salads and the beginning of fresh Summer fruits!
I have also become serious about couponing, but not a crazy extreme couponer. I have saved about half of our grocery budget in the last 7 weeks. I have started planing our weekly menus around the sales adds. I always have the best intentions to stick to it but more times then not I decide to do something different. I will say by me taking the time to plan ahead it helps me stick to the stuff I would normally buy leaving me with a well stocked pantry and freezer. So when I stray from my menu I'm well prepared. Sunday was a perfect example. We had plans that fell through with a friends family and my Sisters family. So my Sister came to my house and taught me how to make her delicious egg rolls. Along with her egg rolls I made some teriyaki steak and some fried shrimp that I had in the freezer......the combo was a big hit! Thanks Chrissy for sharing your egg roll recipe......")

Start by quickly sauteing a good tablespoon each of minced garlic and ginger in a drizzle of canola oil or peanut oil.

Then add ground pork and cook until browned. This was a double batch so we used
two pounds of ground pork.
Season with two teaspoons of soy sauce, garlic powder, pepper and about
a tablespoon of brown sugar.

This is a ginger sesame sauce and she added about a 1/4 cup.
If you can't find this at a store near you I would recommend using sesame oil to taste.

                                          Then add a bag of slaw mix and let it cook down.

                                          Next add a small bag of bean sprouts and it will also
                                          cook down.
Next add 4 scrambled eggs to the mixture.
Time to roll.....and no need to skimp on the filling!!!
                                                           Fry in hot peanut oil.....")
                                                                    YUM YUM YUM!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so good!! I have always wondered how to make these. Thank you for the great post!
